I would like to follow up on informal contacts with you on the above, and confirm that as agreed we are planning to host and organize a meeting in Rome of the Roundtable of Financial Centers and Federations. The meeting will take place on June the 5th, Friday, in our office in Rome, via S. Nicola da Tolentino 72.
Considering that very important initiatives are underway at the European level, and gaining momentum, such as the CMU and the Juncker Plan, and given the very useful work done in the past by you all at the bilateral and multilateral level, I believe that we would many important and timely issues to discuss and experiences to share among ourselves. Moreover, it will be a great pleasure for me to have you in Rome, and we will do our best to make sure that you will enjoy your stay in the Eternal City.
We have arranged the timing of our meeting (from late morning to middle afternoon), in such a way that if necessary you can come and leave in the same day. But we would obviously prefer that you take your time and spend an evening in Rome, so that we can continue discussions in an informal setting. In that spirit, we are organizing a dinner in a nice location, in the evening of the 5th of June, and very much hope that you can accept our invitation.
I send you a preliminary agenda (here below), on which I would like to have your comments and suggestions. Please do not hesitate to get back to me for more information and feed-back.
I look forward to hearing from you and very much hope that you can come and participate at this meeting in Rome.
Best regards,
Paolo Garonna
Meeting of the Roundtable of Financial Centers and Federations.
Rome, June 5th , 2015
Proposed Draft AGENDA
- Participants: One or more representatives from each Financial Center or Federation (+ accompanying persons)
- Other people invited: High levels representatives from the European Commission and Parliament (tbc)
- Suggested Themes for discussion
a) Juncker Plan, long-term investments in infrastructure and SMEs.
b) Capital Market Union.
c) European regulatory reform. Taxation of savings and costs / benefits of regulation.
d) Other themes you may wish to suggest
- Possible schedule.
– Arrival in Rome on June, 5th in the morning.
– 11:00 – 13:00 Roundtable event. Discussion on selected themes.
– Working lunch offered by FeBAF
5. 15:00 – 16:30 Presentation and discussion of a study on the financial sector representation in Europe, at the LUISS Guido Carli University of Rome ( Topic:Financial industry representation in Europe and role of Financial Centers and Federations)
- 20:00 – Dinner and social evening offered by FeBAF
I would kindly ask you to send your response and comments preferably by March 13th, also to the attention of Mr. Franco Delneri