27. veebruar

13:30 — 15:00


EBRD transition aruande 2014 tutvustus

Valminud on EBRD transition aruanne 2014, sh hinnangud riikidele. Olete oodatud aruande esitlusele 27.veebruaril,  Eesti Panga muuseumi ruumides (Estonia pst 11, Tallinn) kl 13.30-15.00. Aruannet tutvustab EBRD juhtiv ökonomistAlexander Lehmann. Aruande esitlus ja sellele järgnev arutelu on inglise keeles.
EBRD poolt esitatud prioriteedid Eestile 2015. aastaks on järgmised:
  • Regional gas linkages should be developed to help diversify energy sources. Estonia, Finland and the European Commission are in the process of identifying a suitable location for a liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminal that will help diversify regional gas supplies. A pipeline between the two countries would create a regional gas market large enough to attract additional gas suppliers and allow effective competition.
  • The country’s competitiveness in labour markets needs to be preserved. Estonia has seen substantial hikes in real wages since the end of 2011, and an increase in the minimum wage is now scheduled for 2015. Safeguarding the country’s reputation for international competitiveness should remain a key consideration in official labour market policy.
  • The new Entrepreneurship Growth Strategy is being implemented. Estonia should further strengthen its position on the international value chain by building its knowledge economy and fostering innovation. The share of high-tech goods in total exports is expected to continue its upward trend.
Koondaruande kokkuvõte:
This year’s report analyses innovation by individual companies across the transition region and reveals how it can help increase productivity and economic growth, and re-energise transition. The Report takes a broad perspective on innovation – studying how firms innovate – and whether they do this by copying advanced economies or by developing products and processes themselves. The Report also takes stock of firms’ investments in research and development and provides new insights into how managerial practices influence firm productivity.
A key theme of this Report is that regardless of a country’s level of economic development and regardless of its progress along the transition path, corporate managers can make decisions that have a profound influence on the efficiency and productivity of the businesses they run. Yet, which actions are most beneficial – R&D, adopting products that were developed elsewhere, or improving management practices – depends strongly on the business environment in which a firm operates. Governments can do a great deal to unleash this potential, but in order to determine the right measures for any given country they must work closely with the private sector.
A full copy of the report is available herehttp://tr.ebrd.com/
Copies of the report will be handed out at the event.
Taustaks: Transition raporti eesmärk on laias laastus anda ülevaade üldisest arengust EBRD klientriikides ja konkreetsete riikide arengu hindamine. Laias laastus hinnatakse seda „transitionit“ kui progressi turumajanduse arengustaadiumist, alates ettevõtluskeskkonnast lõpetades infrastruktuuriga ja finantssektori arenguga.
Ruumi ja kohtade arvestuseks palun andke oma tulekust teada hiljemalt 25.veebruariks meiliaadressile: keit.pillak@fin.ee
Küsimuste korral,
Triin Ruus