COBALT Law Firm in partnership with the leading Estonian business daily Äripäev, Latvian business daily Dienas Bizness as well as financial sector cluster organisations ’Finance Estonia’ and ’Finance Latvia Association’ is organizing an annual Baltic summit exploring the latest trends and challenges faced by the financial sector and serves as the central networking and knowledge sharing platform for financial sector professionals operating in the Baltic market – FinReg 2019.
FinReg 2019 provides for a unique ground for Baltic financial industry peers and regulators to get together to shape the environment for the financial services industry in the Baltic region. This year’s event takes place a day before the first anniversary of the implementation of the GDPR – it is time to draw the first conclusions, offer solutions and focus on the various aspects of data in the financial services industry. Access to data is a major source for innovation, sparking discussion on the new services to be offered.
We shall also debate on the global trends in the financial services industry and shall seek for the perfect regulatory environment to foster innovation. Supervisors and market participants from different jurisdictions will share their views on their roles and expectations. While this may involve heated arguments, we believe the discussions will contribute to a healthier co-operation and regulatory climate.
- Applying AI in the financial sector
- Data as source of innovation and reguIatory concern
- Impact of the GDPR on the financial services industry
- Innovation in the financial sector and the regulatory environment
- Regulatory climate and approach in different jurisdictions
- Will the economy keep on growing?
An impressive line-up of speakers and subject-matter experts has been assembled for the FinReg 2019 Conference to be held in Tallinn, Estonia. The outstanding speakers have been selected for their ability to provide valuable insight into the industry’s most relevant topics.