Inglise keelse ettekandega esineb Karsten Staehr (TalTech majandusanalüüsi ja rahanduse instituut). Ettekande pealkiri:
„Voluntary Pension Investment in a Three-Pillar System“
Kokkuvõte inglise keeles:
This paper considers the effect of various factors for the decision of individuals to contribute to voluntary and tax-exempt pension investment in a three-pillar system. The analysis uses the full population data for Estonia in 2014 and the estimations are carried out using the Heckman selection model. The effects on the participation choice and the amount contributed differ for some of the factors considered. The combined marginal effect evaluated at the means is negative for men, negative for the age of the individual and positive for wage income. Notably, the marginal effect is positive for the already accumulated voluntary third pillar assets while the effect for the compulsory second pillar assets are difficult to pinpoint. Finally, the available proxies for risk and time preferences also appear to be of some importance for third pillar investment.
This paper considers the effect of various factors for the decision of individuals to contribute to voluntary and tax-exempt pension investment in a three-pillar system. The analysis uses the full population data for Estonia in 2014 and the estimations are carried out using the Heckman selection model. The effects on the participation choice and the amount contributed differ for some of the factors considered. The combined marginal effect evaluated at the means is negative for men, negative for the age of the individual and positive for wage income. Notably, the marginal effect is positive for the already accumulated voluntary third pillar assets while the effect for the compulsory second pillar assets are difficult to pinpoint. Finally, the available proxies for risk and time preferences also appear to be of some importance for third pillar investment.
Helina Järs
õppe- ja teadustöö koordinaator
majandusanalüüsi ja rahanduse instituut
Tallinna Tehnikaülikool