17. november

09:30 — 17:30



FinanceEstonia FinTech Forum 2017: Single EU Financial Market Adds 500 Billion Euros – Dream or Possibility?

Making the World Biggest Market Reality

09.30 Keynote Speech: Architecting the New Framework: How Will the EU Digital Single Market Transform Europe in 10 Years?

10:00 Keynote Speech: EU Single Market For Retail Financial Services: Barriers and opportunities

10.45 Panel Discussion: How are we Breaking the Walls to Become a Single Financial Market?

11:45 Lunch

Innovation – Foundation of the Future

12.45 Keynote Speech: World Fintech Tour – Presenting the world’s fintech scene: the 5-10 most interesting and promising fintechs of today.

 13.15 Panel Discussion: Can Global FinTech Companies Really Improve People’s Lives or Are They Just Good at Marketing?

 14:15 Panel Discussion: Who is creating innovation – Fintech or Regulators?

 15.15 Refreshment Break

 Adding 500 Billion Euros to EU in practice

 15:45 Keynote Speech: Borderless EU: How much money is sitting on the table?

16:15 Keynote Speech: How to tap into the opportunities?

16.45 Concluding remarks