Ettevõtluse ja Innovatsiooni Sihtasutus


Established in 2000, Enterprise Estonia promotes business and regional policy in Estonia and is one of the largest institutions within the national support system for entrepreneurship, providing financial assistance, counselling, cooperation opportunities and training for entrepreneurs, research institutions, the public and non-profit sectors.

The principal purpose of our operations is to increase the level of well-being in society by working towards the following five strategic objectives:

  1. increase in the number of sustainable and quickly growing companies;
  2. increase in the export capability and internationalisation of Estonian companies;
  3. increase in the product development and technological capabilities of Estonian companies;
  4. increase in revenue from tourism;
  5. integrated and balanced regional development.

Following Estonia’s accession to the EU, Enterprise Estonia became one of the agencies implementing EU structural funds in Estonia. During the 2007-2013 EU financing period, EUR 784 million (EEK 12 billion) of the more than EUR 3.4 billion (EEK 53 billion) of structural aid to Estonia has been implemented by Enterprise Estonia.
2013 is the last year in the 2007-2013 EU financing period. As a result, the proportion of support in our operations has decreased compared to previous periods, and greater attention is being devoted to training events, promoting entrepreneurship awareness and other activities to develop human resources. Enterprise Estonia’s strategic priorities are already primarily linked to the development of a strategy for the next seven years (2014 – 2020).

Tule liikmeks

Finantssektori katusorganisatsioonina esindame liikmete ühiseid huve ning töötame avaliku sektoriga tihedas koostöös, et suurendada Eesti majanduslikku julgeolekut.

FinanceEstonia liikmeteks on väga erinevad ettevõtted ja organisatsioonid. Meie liikmed on näiteks LHV Group, Redgate Capital, NASDAQ Tallinna börs, Veriff, Funderbeam, Salv, EY, KPMG, Bigbank, Estateguru, Tallinna Tehnikaülikool, mitmed Eestis tegutsevad advokaadibürood ja paljud teised.

FinanceEstonia liikmeks ootame kõiki ettevõtteid ja organisatsioone, kellel on huvi ja soov muuta Eesti finantssektorit konkurentsivõimelisemaks, rääkida kaasa valdkonna arengut puudutavates küsimustes ning luua uusi kontakte nii Eestis kui ka välismaal.

Täida liitumisavaldus ning võtame sinuga ühendust.

Täida liitumisavaldus

Täida liitumisavaldus ja võtame sinuga ühendust.