Estonia makes history with e-residency?

FinanceEstonia Board member Raino Paron wrote an opinion article in newspaper “Postimees” about e-residency concept ideas and possibilities

FinanceEstonia Board member Raino Paron wrote an opinion article in Estonian newspaper Postimees about e-residency concept ideas and possibilities.

To be the first country to introduce e-residency would have real effect on Estonian economy  and reputation as e- country, writes Raino Paron. 
In his previous article some time ago in  Postimees Raino wrote that in todays world were countries are competing in economic environment development new and innovative ideas are crucial. Raino had an idea that Estonia could introduce e-residency and to give  non-residents also certificates which would have  Estonian ID-card functionalities. This would enable access to Estonian digital services to people outside Estonia.
We are used to criticise our country and compliments are not easy to come but at the same time we have so many things to be proud of – first to mention is openness to new ideas, willingness to develop our country and to increase its competitiveness and also readiness to act quickly.Work with e-residency started already in the end of last year and today  the concept  put together by Estonian Ministry of Economy and Government Office united work group is ready. The concept foresees to give non-residents  ID certificates with the functionality of Estonian ID card which would allow them to start using Estonian digital services not dependent on their physical location.FinanceEstonia sees e-residency as a big opportunity for Estonia and Estonian businesses and continues to support the idea.

Please read the article attached:

Eesti teeb e-residentsusega ajalugu?